Goal Setting and Mental Blocks

2018 Goal Setting

For the past few weeks of 2017, I received so many emails regarding 2018 goal setting. 2017 – A Year in Review. Don’t get me wrong….i believe in the concept except I use my birthday (Nov) as the start of my new year.  But, my birthday was over a month ago, and I still haven’t finished this process which is unusual for me. It’s strange for 2 reasons.  First, I’m not a procrastinator; and, second, I’ve been doing this same goal setting process for the past 20+ years.

So now instead of setting goals and revisiting highs/lows, success/failures of 2017, I’m stuck trying to figure out why this process is so challenging this year. Bottom line, I’m avoiding the truth.  The truth is my word for 2017 was FOCUS and I have been anything but focused. I did not achieve most of my goals. I didn’t even come close on most of them.

I’ve been avoiding my blog because quite frankly, I don’t like to write. In October, I attended one of Amy Porterfield’s workshops and Rick Mulready was one of the presenters. During his presentation, he made the exact same statement. I have to admit, I felt some sort of validation (even though I don’t know the man) 😊

After the presentation, he and I talked and he gave me some pointers. Did I run home and start to implement them? Ummm, no I did not because for some reason I still had the idea that I should be “writing” my blog. Well folks you’re hearing it from me. I’m going to start videotaping my blog post. And on occasion, the post will include downloadable content. I believe this will work best for me. I have to start where I am now and this is where I am.

So back to the problem at hand. Goals. Goal Setting. Reflection. Although I’m very grateful to have another year to pursue my dreams, I guess the avoidance all boils down to DISAPPOINTMENT. I’m disappointed with myself. Why do I feel stuck? Where’s my pivot?
I got so many other things accomplished this year. Planned a reunion. Spent the summer with my grandson. Doing well on my 9-5 job. Planned a 2018 road trip with my besties. Handled some family business….but when it came down to spending time on building my brand I’m just not as far along as I would like to be. Is there some underlying reason why I’ll drop what I’m doing with my brand to focus on other tasks? Why can’t I see those things to completion???

I can do this. I know I can. I do it everyday at work. I do it everyday with my family. Now, I have to commit to showing up for myself. Trust me hearing myself say this sounds very strange because I don’t typically have a problem with putting myself first (when I need to) so that’s phase 2.

Why am I blocking my success? Hmmmmm, that’s a good question. And, as of right now, I don’t really know. Other than it’s related to fear but I’m trying to figure out what am I afraid of? The unknown. Success. Starting over in a new field. Failure because I’ve already had one failed business. Putting a financial strain on my family’s budget?
It might be one of these, or it might be all of them but I’m not going to set up permanent residence in this space. 10 years ago maybe because I was a different person. Glass half full type of girl but not anymore. I work at being a better person. Living a life full of positivity. Trust me it ain’t easy but it is better.

2018 Word – Consistency. I can focus on the task at hand; but if I don’t start taking consistent action, I’ll be writing this same post Dec 2018 and I’m not claiming that. No, I’m not.

I can’t change the past and why would I want to. It’s now a part of who I am. The lack of success in 2017 caused me to do some soul searching. If I don’t take the time now to figure out what’s blocking me, I won’t – can’t move forward.

So tonight I sat down and filled out my level 10 goal sheet (the 3rd or 4th version of it) and I realized on a scale from 1 – 10 (10 being freakin’ awesome), I’m at about a 6 (overall). I’m happier in some areas than other.  I’ve set some goals for each category. Assigned a date and made a promise to myself to celebrate the milestones along the way.

Everyone has a year like this every now and again. It’s how we grow. I have a saying. Respect the struggle. It’s part of your journey for a reason. The point is to find the lesson. The teachable | AHA moments. And keep it moving.

So I’m curious, where are you in your Goal Setting process? Were you pleased with 2017?

I’m writing my story one chapter at a time, and I’m committed to taking imperfect actions every day.  Are you?