Choose to Transform Your Life One Thought at a Time

A few months ago, I wrote a blog post about goal setting and mental blocks.  I hate to say this, but I’m still feeling stuck.  I’ve been searching for ways to transform my life.  Searching for ways that I can change my thoughts and/or mindset.  Somehow, I have allowed negative thoughts to dominate my life.

I’ve tried quite a few things to move forward; but, for the past 2 months, it hasn’t really made a difference. As a result, I’ve decided to start from scratch and document my journey to a happier version of myself.

I know that my thoughts are my blueprint to living my life by design. So, the first thing that I must do is change my thoughts. Why? Because Thoughts create Feelings. Feelings create Actions. Actions create Results.  If I want a different life, different results, I need different thoughts.

Over the next week or so, I’m going to take a step back and observe what kinds of thoughts I’m having about myself. What stories am I telling myself? I need to find my triggers and develop a process to redirect my thoughts and energy to something more positive.  It’s time to let go of any story and/or habits that are no longer serving me.

In the past, I’ve resisted change because it is often uncomfortable and sometimes challenging. But with change, comes growth. The decision to transform my life with take time; but more importantly, it will take commitment.

“You’ll never change your life, until you change something you do daily”. Creating daily rountines. Creating new habits. This is my priority.

So, to kick off this process, I’m creating a 4-part series around Lewis Howes’ podcast.  I’ll discuss my takeaways from each interview and how I plan to incorporate them into my life.

Mel Robbins – 5 Second Rule

Gretchen Rubin – Powerful Habits

Joshua Fields – Minimalist

Shaun T – Transformation

I’ll close with a quote from Will Smith.  “There’s a redemptive power that making a choice has rather than feeling that you are at an effect to all the things that are happening. Make a CHOICE. Just DECIDE. What’s it’s going to be. Who you’re going to be. How you’re going to do it”.  Just DECIDE. “


What CHOICE will you make?